Changing the world
Our mission is to provide better choices for a better world through socially conscious and environmentally friendly products and life-changing experiences. They have made astounding contributions in support of WE Charity, their award-winning charity partner that has received the Children’s Peace Prize and has been featured on the likes of Oprah and 60 Minutes. Half of the net profit generated is donated to WE Charity, while the remainder is reinvested to further their mission of ending poverty through a holistic model focusing on education, water, health, food and opportunity.

In eight locations around the world, WE Charity works alongside the people who struggle against poverty, hunger, exploitation and disease every day. The WE Villages model is not a temporary relief for these struggles—it’s a sustainable movement that becomes operated by the local community for continued development. With this cutting edge approach to create ongoing change through the empowerment of whole communities, WE Charity is responsible for over 650 schools that educate 55,000 children a day.

Watch one student's transformative journey

WE Villages model

The Five Pillars of sustainable development
  1. Education — Working to keep educational facilities and values alive is the single most effective tool any community has to breaking the cycle of poverty. 
  2. Health — Our programs focus on health education and preventative care, allowing children to remain healthy and able to go to school. 
  3. Water — Providing clean water sources and facilities is the most direct way to supply this basic human right. 
  4. Opportunity and Livelihood — Ensuring long-term solutions to economic challenges is the best way to generate sustainable income for generations to come.
  5. Agriculture and Food — Securing an adequate amount of healthy, nutritious food is at the heart of every community’s livelihood and prosperity.


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